The Sheila Straub of the Bexley Bloomers works magic on the Historical Society Cottage — Thank you!!

The Bexley Historical Society Board of Trustees would like to send a big Thank You to Sheila Straub, BHS Trustee and of the Bexley Bloomers Club for her efforts in beautifying the landscaping surrounding the Bexley Historical Society Cottage Museum (2080 Clifton Ave). Below are some images of the end

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Ever wonder about Sessions Village?

Follow us on the journey – starting in 1855, through the present day. How Sessions Village and it’s neighbors came to be the unique neighborhoods they are. Find the article by going to Articles>About Bexley>Our Special Neighborhoods>Sessions Village or click this link:

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More “Tidbits”!

Our second series of “Tidbits” have now been published – focusing on places just outside of Bexley. See our posting – The Forgotten Parks and Open Spaces – of the East Side – and learn about some curious places that surround our community! Find these items by selecting Articles >

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Historical Tidbits!

We are launching a new series called “Historical Tidbits” These are short articles curious Bexley mysteries. See our first posting – The Forgotten Parks and Open Spaces – of Bexley – and come back as more curiosities and mysteries are discovered and explained! Find these items by selecting Articles >

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Mail Order Houses in Bexley?

Building a custom home is expensive – as much in the early 1900’s as it is now. Learn how companies like Sears, Roebuck & Co pioneered the “home in a kit” concept in 1908 and how that helped make “owning your own home” more affordable in the early decades of

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Bexley Day Celebration at the Bexley Library: Mapping Bexley from Wilderness to Village

We are pleased to announce that the Bexley Historical Society will be participating in the “Bexley Day” celebration at the Bexley Library – Mapping Bexley from Wilderness to Village – on Wednesday, August 10 at 7 pm. Find more information about the event at the Bexley Library website –

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Bexley Historical Society on the 2022 Bexley House and Garden Tour!

The Bexley Historical Society was proud to be one of the stops on the 2022 Bexley House and Garden Tour. We had 178 people tour the Cottage Museum with many of our Trustees on hand to conduct tours and answer questions. It was a delight to meet so many new

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Thank You for the Support!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who visited the Bexley Historical Society booth, featuring Johnson’s Ice Cream, at the Bexley 4th of July Celebration! It was great to see so many happy faces, answer questions and to serve you ice cream. We look forward to connecting with more of our

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Join us July 4th for Johnson’s Ice Cream

We have been informed that we will not be allowed to hand out coloring books at the July 4 event. Look forward to the coloring books at our next event! The tradition continues… The Bexley Historical Society (BHS) will be participating in the Bexley July 4th celebration on the Capital

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Camp Bushnell Plaque Unveiling

On November 11th, 2020, Bexley Mayor Ben Kessler met with members and trustees of the Bexley Historical Society at Broad and Drexel streets to unveil a commemorative plaque marking the history of Camp Bushnell in Bexley. President of the Bexley Historical Society Glenn Soden noted that there was an incredible

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