In 1932, Bexley High School moved from it’s location on Montrose and Main to Cassingham Road. On October 19th and 20th, 1932, the new school was dedicated. The images, below, are of the program for the dedication.

The Dedicatory Program noted the “outstanding features” of Bexley’s new high school:
- The beautifully decorated AUDITORIUM with its unusually designed light fixtures and stage settings is located in the north wing of the building. It has a seating capacity of 1031. It is acoustically treated. The foyer and lobby are unsurpassed in beauty by any found in high schools.
- The GYMNASIUM in the south wing of the building with its large seating capacity and division into two parts for physical education work for boys and girls separately.
- The excellent rooms provided on the first floor for INDUSTRIAL ARTS for boys and HOME ECONOMICS for girls.
- Another feature on the first floor on the east side of the building is the attractive CAFETERIA, SERVING ROOM and splendidly equipped KITCHEN. The cafeteria is used also for study-hall and home room.
- The MUSIC and ACTIVITY ROOM on the second floor over the lobby is one of the most useful rooms in the building. It can be used for music, home-room, debating, public speaking, study-hall and club room.
- The LIBRARY in the center of the building on the west side of the corridor on the second floor is one of the most attractive rooms in the building. Its arrangement and fine equipment afford unusual facilities for library and reference work. The library is used also for study-hall and home room.
- The attractive ART ROOM is located on the third floor in the north-central part of the building. Its opportunities for art work are second to none.
- Other special rooms of interest to visitors are the well-equipped COMMERCIAL ROOMS on the first floor and those of the department of SCIENCE on the third floor. The CONSERVATORY, to be used in connection with the science department, is also on the third floor.
- Other features of the building are the well-lighted and splendidly equipped CLASS-ROOMS on all floors, the ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES, REST-ROOMS, CONFERENCE ROOMS and LOCKER and SHOWER ROOMS i in the basement for both girls and boys.
- The building has…
- The PARKING PLACE on school property to the east and south of the building is an excellent feature. The part of the site east of the building will be used for the HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD.

The program also contains a roster of teachers in the new building, as well as other notable individuals:
- R.E. Kessler, Principal
- Teachers:
- Dorothy Arbuckle
- Mary Squier Bethel
- Amy C. Brightman
- I.R. Ferbrache
- Ruth C. Geist
- Thelma R. Grimm
- Selma Hamann
- Charles E. Hoel
- Ralph M Howell
- Ross B. Kefauver
- Marguerite H. Lintner
- Reta B. McCormick
- Kent S. Morse
- Bernice Mullins
- Mark S. Scofield
- John F. Schact
- Lucille M. Selbach
- Carlton H. Smith
- Marion Thomas
- Harold V. Tipton
- Members of the Board of Education:
- C.L. Brundige, President
- A.H. Sanford, Vice-President
- L.M. Krumm, Clerk
- E.C. Mills
- H.C Dieterich, Superintendent
Other building notables:
- Architects – Miller & Reeves
- General Contractors – R.H. Evans Co
- Heating and Plumbing Contractors – Stai Plumbing Co
- Electrical Contractors – The Electric Power & Equipment Co
- Superintendent of Construction – E.E. Eggert
The bond issue for construction totaled $375,000. The Cost of the Building and Equipment was $375,000. Cost per Cubic Foot was .23 1/2 cents.
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