In celebration of the second annual Bexley Day, Larry Helman, Vice President of the Bexley Historical Society, discusses the history and evolution of Bexley neighborhoods. In his own words, this could easily have been titled “The Birth of the American Suburb” – Bexley being a case study of how that process occurred – and the architecture the defines Bexley.
Please enjoy Larry’s discussion of the development of Bexley:
History and Evolution of Bexley Neighborhoods (YouTube)

Larry takes you from the desire to “move east” to get away from the “big city” (Columbus), the founding of the original three “villages” that merged to become Bexley (The Village of Pleasant Ridge (“Lutheranville”), Bullitt Park and East Columbus) and on to the Bexley we all know today.
This presentation, of just an hour, is full of humor and fascinating information about Bexley and it’s surrounding area’s.
Thank you, Larry, for this wonderful look into the evolution of Bexley!
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