On November 11th, 2020, Bexley Mayor Ben Kessler met with members and trustees of the Bexley Historical Society at Broad and Drexel streets to unveil a commemorative plaque marking the history of Camp Bushnell in Bexley.

President of the Bexley Historical Society Glenn Soden noted that there was an incredible amount of collaboration that preceded the creation and placement of plaque including efforts from the City of Bexley, the Bexley Community Foundation, and the Bexley Public Library.

Memorial Bolder dedicated 1934 Bexley World War II Memorial
Credits: Photos courtesy Martina Campoamor; Video used with kind permission of Sam Metcalf with the City of Bexley
Walte Buchsieb says:
November 16, 2020 at 11:28 pmMy thanks to everyone who helped make this moment in History remembered. I hope the City of Bexley will see fit to placing dignified plaques such as this in other historic parts of the city. The children as well as adults will reawaken to how important this cross roads city of Bexley is to America. Walter Buchsieb Past Board member