Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Bexley, Ohio:
Section 1. That the group now in existence and known as the Bexley Historical Committee is hereby granted the exclusive use of the name Bexley Historical Society and it hereby is designated and recognized as the official historical society for the City of Bexley as long as it continues to be an active organization and conducts public meetings in the city at least once each year for the election of trustees, at which meeting each Bexley Historical Society member who is present shall have one vote, and said Bexley Historical Society shall be the custodian of and official group responsible for collecting, documenting and preserving such Bexley historical memorabilia as it may deem interesting or desirable.
Section 2. That the council of the City of Bexley reserves the right to further qualify or withdraw this grant at any time int he future.
Section 3. That this resolution shall go into full force and effect upon its passage and approval by the Mayor.
Adopted February 26th, 1974
Amended September 10th, 1974
Approved February 26th, 1974
August 1970: Mrs. Edie Mae Herrel contacts Bexley’s Mayor and Superintendant of Schools, Library, Recreation Department and Capital University and finds that a history of Bexley does not exist — only the bits and pieces that all agree should be part of a comprehensive effort.
Autumn 1970: Mrs. Herrel researches, illustrates and writes the first “Bexley Historial Images” for the Bexley Voice, Focusing on the Old Pleasant Ridge School House that once served Bexley. By spring, when the second in this series is published, it is working – as intended – to stimulate the community’s interest and support.
March 11, 1971: The first “Reminiscing Party” is held, revealing how much material long-time residents of Bexley have available for sharing. Individual oral interviews follow.
July 4, 1971: The Fourth of July Parade helps serve as a vehicle for educating the community by honoring selected Wise Elders to ride in antique cars, with signs indicating their position or contribution to Bexley’s history.
Summer 1971: Mrs. Herrel conducts several oral interviews after receiving a tape recorder as a gift from the Association for Bexley Civic Development.
October 1971: Mayor Kenneth McClure appoints Mr. and Mrs. Herrel as chairmen of the Miss America Homecoming Celebration. Mrs. Herrel designs a homecoming booklet which includes a section of Bexley and illustrations of some of its buildings.
December 1971: Realizing that funds are badly needed to support research and preservation of materials, Mrs. Herrel designs stationary with Bexley scenes to be sold, the profits to be used for historical projects. The Bexley Women’s Club offers to help with the sales.
January 1972: Prior to the demolition of the home of Bexley’s first mayor (Mr. Holtzman), Mrs. Herrel works to save some of the beautiful inlaid floors and hand-painted canvas ceiling.
July 1972: Participation in the Fourth of July Parade and the “Reminiscing Party” continue into their second year. Efforts are made to secure and preserve abutments to the old Interurban Train that went through Bexley, as well as the gatepost to the home of Bexley’s first mayor.
Summer 1972: Oral interviews and research continue.
November 1972: Focusing on some 20 points of interest and 18 historical sites, Mrs. Carolyn Wood and Mrs. Herrel conduct three bus tours of Bexley (with benefits going to the Ohio Council for Retarded Children).
February 1973: Mrs. Herrel confers with Dr. John Blough, Superintendent of Schools, on possible student involvement in special Bexley Historical Research projects.
Winter 1973: Mrs. Herrel begins to speak to a variety of groups — the Franklin County Genealogy Society, Bexley Oldtimers Club, Girl Scouts — about Bexley’s history project.
May through September 1973: Bexley’s third-grade teachers and Mrs. Herrel re-write and illustrate a workbook on Bexley and its history.
July 4, 1973: Dr. Harold Yochum, Howard L. Brightman, and Dr. and Mrs. Harold Grimm are honored during the Independence Day Parade for their contributions to Bexley. Stationery sales continue.
July 23, 1973: The third annual “Reminiscing Party” is held at the Trent Smith home.
February 1974: Mrs. Herrel appeals to Bexley City Council to recognize the Bexley Historical Society as the official organization to receive and record the city’s history.
March 2, 1974: More than 70 delegates attend the Historical Society’s research seminar at the Bexley Public Library.
May 1974: Mrs. Herrel completes a ten-month project of researching and drawing two Bexley poster maps — one being the 1908 map of Bexley at the time of incorporation, and the other a 1970 map of the city. Capital University’s KSU fraternity sells Bexley Historical Society stationary as its service project.
May 9-13, 1974: Four tours of Bexley — including all third-grade students — are conducted by Mrs. Herrel. Students become junior members of the Bexley History Committee, with teachers Mrs. Linda Kline and Mrs. Carolyn Retzlaff supervising. Children receive special badges designed for the occasion.
May – June, 1974: Mrs. Herrel trains at the Ohio Historical Society to be a qualified guide, and becomes a regular volunteer at the Ohio Historical Society. She attends a tour and workshop at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC.
July 4, 1974: For the fourth time, Wise Elders ride in the Bexley parade, and Bexely stationery is sold at the art show.
July 29, 1974: The Charter Celebration and Bexley Historical Committees meet.
August 7, 1974: The fourth “Reminiscing Party” is held at the home of the Ralston Werums.
September 1974: An oral interview seminar is held at Bexley Public Library.
October 1974: Two teas for Founding Members held at the home of the Herrels.
November 1974: The Bexley History Committee holds it last meeting
December 1974: The Charter Meeting and Celebration of the new Bexley Historical Society is held on December 8, with more than 200 attending at the Schumacher Gallery, Capital University.